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Reju Spa is taking precautionary operational measures to safeguard the health and well-being of our guests and colleagues. We request that you take note of the below guidelines.

  • Completing online health assessment forms will be offered before the appointments. 

  • In order to limit the spa's capacity and to leave time for sanitizing after each service, REJU SPA will be having spaced out appointments for our guests.

  • We ask that you arrive no more than 10 minutes before your treatment is due to commence.

  • During your treatment you therapist will be wearing personal protective equipment.


Reju Spaではお客様と私達セラピストの健康を守るため予防措置を取らせて頂いております。




私達のスパの大きさを考慮し、またサービス後の消毒の時間を設けるため、Reju Spaでは予約間の時間を空け、お客様への配慮を心が           けております。






  • 48 hours notice (Local Time) must be given to cancel or amend any reserved treatments.  Cancellations or rescheduling with less than 48 hours of notice or no-show appointments are subject to a 100% full charge of the scheduled service.

  • To guarantee the confirmation of your appointment, we kindly ask for a 50% deposit at the time of scheduling for bookings that extend beyond 14 days from your treatment date. For shorter durations, full payment is required. It is important to note that the 50% deposit is non-refundable. By adhering to this policy, we are able to efficiently manage our limited space and schedule, ensuring that we can allocate the necessary resources to meet your specific needs. 

  • The perfect gift for all occasions, Reju Spa Gift Vouchers are available for all our treatments.

  • While we will always try to accommodate your treatments, late arrival may mean a reduction in your treatment time due to prior bookings.

  • Mobile phones, while a necessary part of modern living, are not permitted in any of our treatment rooms or relaxation chairs, please be considerate of other guests and switch them to quiet or meeting mode.  Thank you for your understanding.

  • We appreciate you understanding that we are unable to provide treatments to person below the age of 16 years old or to pregnant women.

  • We provide disposable underwear for your privacy and our therapists will advise you on their usage. They should be worn during water based treatments and massage treatments – our therapists are fully trained to drape you to protect your privacy at all times.

  • We recommend you leave valuables in your room or at your accommodation, as we do not assume liability for any valuables.

  • Pricing and opening hours may change without prior notification​.



ご予約時間48時間以内のキャンセル、日程変更をされた場合、また事前の連絡がなく当日来られない場合、ご予約された金額全額分を           お支払い頂きます。​


Reju Spa のギフト券は全てのトリートメントが対象となります。様々な行事において最適なプレゼントです。

​私達は皆さまのトリートメントのご予約を調整しております。そのため、遅刻された場合、次のご予約のお客様に対応するためトリー           トメント時間を削る場合がございます。

トリートメントルームまたリラクゼーションチェアーでの携帯電話のご使用はお控え下さい。お手持ちの携帯電話をミュートまたはマ           ナモードに設定して頂き、他のお客様へのご配慮をお願い致します。ご理解頂ければ幸いです。


Reju Spaは16歳以上のお客様がご利用可能です。

私達はお客様のプライバシーを守るため、使い捨てのショーツを提供致します。ショーツの使い方についてはセラピストが説明致しま           す。このショーツは水分を含むトリートメント、マッサージの際に使用されます。私達のセラピストはお客様がこのショーツを使用す           る際、完全にプライバシーを守るために十分なトレーニングを受けております。


貴重品はお客様のお部屋、ご宿泊先等で保管されることを推奨致します。私達はお客様の貴重品についての一切の責任を負いかねま               す。





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